class: middle, title-slide <!-- top logo (comment to remove or edit on `conf/css/style.css:23`) --> <div class="lab-logo"></div> <!-- <div class="uni-logo"></div> --> # PASAR INPUT <hr width="55%" align="left" size="1.3" color="orange"></hr> ## Mikroekonomi: Materi Minggu ke 13 ### Tedy Herlambang .small[<br>] <br><br><br><br><br> [<i class="fas fa-blog" style="color:#e7e8e2"></i>]( [<i class="fa fa-twitter fa-lg" style="color:#e7e8e2"></i> @t_hlb]( --- # LEARNING OUTCOMES After studying this chapter, you will be able to --- # INTRODUCTION --- class: middle, center, inverse # WORK IN PROGRESS <hr width="100%" align="left" size="0.3" color="red"></hr> --- class: inverse .pull-left1[ <br> .font70[A single study is never the end of the story; multiple studies are needed before we can reach defensible conclusions about social phenomena.] <hr width="100%" align="left" size="0.3" color="orange"></hr> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> **Special thanks to** Mahasiswa Agribisnis Angkatan '21 ] .pull-right1[ <br> ![:scale 71%]() ]